News: Float across the floor on a personal hover board

Float across the floor on a personal hover board

Hovercrafts! Make your own magic carpet ride! Find your inner George Jetson!

The World's Hovercraft Speed Record was set on September 18, 1995 by American Bob Windt. He got his air cushion vehicle up to a speed of 85.87 mph!

The hovercraft was originally designed to ferry people across the English Channel.

Nowadays, it's getting lots of attention as a DIY craze thanks to guys like our demonstrator below, Jason Bradbury of UKTV's Gadget Show.

Build a hover board from scratch

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Ok... this is awesome!

i want to make one for cruising in the bike lane

very inspirational

nice work how does the grommet work and how did you know where to put the air holes

Now that's pretty cool. Make one that hovers about 3 feet off the ground, and I'll be impressed. It's about the same principals of Air Hockey.

Mithbusters copy!

it would be cool if you could make it gover higher. that may be impossible,but it would be cool. B-

i like the way how it flies but how high can that go huh.

My son is 70 pounds, so do you think the hoverboard you made in the first video can work on gravel and pavement, without ripping or falling apart, with him standing, and a 200 mph air speed leaf blower?


Thats pretty much as high as you can get it. Any higher and you lose the pocket of air underneath and also there would be no balance. And you have to be on a flat surface. If you go on the street, it will quickly get torn and stuff.

that dude is far ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut

no word's

sweet how do you steer

where can i buy a "grommet" in usa, and can this go on concrete?

it actually works, I made one, its a but shaky but it works

Flight my Brute

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