Making a home-made hash-pipe is easy as you please with this 4 piece 1 minute to make design =)
Materials needed are:
Empty 2 Liter Coke bottle
shot glass
shallow bowl or large saucer
and scissors or a sharp knife
Construction details:
Using knife or scissors cut along the bottom of Coke label all the way around the bottle until you have a fairly flat bottom.
Safety Tip: Whenever using a sharp blade of any kind always keep the blade pointed away from your body as you cut, that way if you slip you don't end up cutting yourself badly.
Now Peel off the label.
Taking knife or using scissors with only one blade, bore a hole 2 inches from the bottom about as big around as a cigarette, bore a second hole on the opposite side about half-way up the curved part.
Now take your shallow bowl or large saucer and fill it almost to the brim with tap water.
Place the shot glass bottoms-up in center of the bowl or saucer.
Using your brand new homemade hash pipe:
Place a small amount of hash on the shot glass' bottom(top). Be careful at this point, if your hash is fresh it may be sticky and it is easy to drop it in the water. If you do it's not the end of the world as hash is not water-soluble =P Just pick it up and after drying place on the shot glass.
Light your hash =)
As your hash lights up, place the coke bottle over the shot glass, the water in the dish will seal the bottom.
Hold your fingers over the holes until the coke bottle is full of smoke.
Once full, use the bottom hole as a carb and place your mouth over the top hole.
Inhale =)
There are many different variations on ways this can be made a more permanant solution, adding tubes for mouth piece, etc..
I hope you enjoy this as much as I do.
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