In this video, we learn how to build a bionicle switchblade. Start with the piece of the blade that has holes inside of it. Then, start to connect the edges and the other pieces that go inside of it. ...
There's a lot going on with this Star Wars LEGO fast food snack. Angus MacLane turned the Millennium Falcon into a Corellian Cheeseburger for the FBTB MOC Madness 2010 Building Tournament. MacLane ha ...
Looking for a new Lego project? Look no further! In this two-part series you'll learn how to build a great flat bed truck out of lego bricks! Each video starts showing you each brick that you'll need, ...
I suppose it depends how you define dangerous. It must have taken Flippy Cat a good amount of effort and planning to design and construct this giant Operation game made from Dominos. And then he lets ...
Wow! No longer do you have to buy those huge marble machine roller coaster toys — you can DIY one! This video covers the materials, tools and techniques used to make a homemade rolling ball marble mac ...
If your LEGO men are raring to get a rock band going, then who are you to stop them? With a few LEGO blocks, you can easily create some nifty instruments for them to start jamming with. In this video, ...
Even LEGO people get thirsty, and what better to quench the thirst than a nice cool can of soda pop? And what's the perfect way to get that cola to your LEGO men quickly? A LEGO soda machine! And beli ...
In this video, we learn how to build a LEGO pickup truck. First, you will need to lay out all the parts that you need to build the truck. This includes small and large parts that are in gray and white ...
In this tutorial, we learn how to build spinning tops with everyday objects. You will need: round recyclable plastic lids, skewers, hot glue gun, and washers or pennies. First, take your plastic lid a ...
In this tutorial, we learn how to make a prop light saber. you will need rubber o rings, a metal pipe, a dow rod, and attachments to combine the rods together. First, grab the metal pipe and dow rod, ...