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News: 4500 Brick LEGO Pop-Up

YouTube user Talapz has built a LEGO Pop-up Buddhist temple. Jaw dropping construction. Made from 4500 bricks, the structure is a representation of actual temple Kinkaku-ji (video below): Previously, Lego Mindstorms Puts the Fun Back Into Number Two.

News: Alpha-not-Numeric

Make your own version of the $1500 Qlocktwo, a clock that literally spells out the time for you. Instructables member drj113 shares instructions for making a much cheaper alternative. Click through to do-it-yourself.

News: 3 Million Brick Lego House - Demolished

With many internet/Lego nerds anxiously awaiting the completion of the world's first full size Lego House, Barnaby Gunning Architects and British TV personality, James May, finally unveiled the finished product this past Friday. The house (was) 100% Lego, "including a working toilet, hot shower and a very uncomfortable bed".

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